Children's first aid kit


Every home with a child must have a first aid kit with the most necessary medications. In addition, parents should know what medications and dressings will be needed for a trip to the seaside or to a summer camp.
What is included in a first aid kit for a newborn?

As soon as you have a baby in your home, take care not only of buying clothes, toys and other accessories. A home first aid kit is also important. It is better to collect it before going to the maternity hospital, so that after discharge you do not have to worry about the availability of all the necessary medications. You can purchase a ready-made kit at a pharmacy at a low price.
Antiseptics, dressings, medical devices

The list of necessary supplies for a baby includes:

     3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
     brilliant green;
     cotton wool, cotton pads, sticks;
     bandage, gauze;
     adhesive plaster;
     thermometer (preferably electronic);

Hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, and cotton swabs are needed to care for the umbilical wound. Cotton pads and pieces of cotton wool are convenient for wiping the eyes, ears, and folds on the baby's body. A pipette will be needed for instillation into the eye or spout. Thermometer – for measuring base temperature. It is worth having a syringe in case of constipation.


Babies often get sick, so always have a first aid kit on hand:

     Antipyretics and painkillers (Nurofen, Panadol). For young children, these medications are available in the form of syrups and anal suppositories. Buy both options and use as needed.
     Antihistamines (Fenistil, Erius, Diazolin). Babies are susceptible to allergic reactions, so be sure to purchase anti-allergy medications. It is better to treat acute manifestations of allergies with drops or tablets, and skin rashes with ointment or gel.
     Laxatives (glycerin suppositories). Breasts often suffer from constipation, and suppositories containing glycerin are an effective, safe remedy for eliminating the problem.
     Antidiarrheals (Smecta, Regidron). Diarrhea is no less a common problem than constipation, so it is advisable to have powders and suspensions against indigestion at home.
     Carminatives (Espumizan, Bobotik, Plantex). Infants suffer from colic, and these drops give quick results, helping to get rid of the accumulation of intestinal gases and cramps in the abdomen. The folk method, dill water, also copes well with attacks of colic.
     Ophthalmic (Albucid). Eye drops may be needed for inflammation.
     Medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, calendula). Herbal decoctions are added to bathing water for dermatitis and allergic rashes.

First aid kit for the road

When going on vacation with children, be sure to take first aid supplies with you in case of sudden health problems. What to take:

     bandage, cotton wool, bactericidal adhesive plaster;
     hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine;
     hypothermic pack (functions as a cold compress);
     analgesic and antipyretic;
     absorbents (activated carbon, Atoxil, Polysorb);
     insect bite gel;
     tablets for motion sickness in transport.

You should not take antibiotics or other serious medications with you on your trip. It is impossible to foresee absolutely everything, and in case of an unexpected illness, you can consult a doctor or buy medications at the nearest pharmacy.

Some parents are interested: do children need a first aid kit for school or kindergarten? Children's institutions do not make such requirements. If the baby gets injured, there is a nurse in the kindergarten and school group who will treat the wound or provide other medical assistance. It is enough for your son or daughter to bring wet wipes with them to wipe their hands.
Useful tips

     Keep medications away from children in a tightly sealed box or bag. Buy a special lock and put it on the box for protection.
     Check the contents of the box periodically: throw away expired medications and buy new ones.
     Do not give children tablets for adults, buy special children's forms (syrups, suspensions).

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